The following conditions apply without exception to all media organizations and other entities and individuals ("Accredited Organizations") that (a) have been granted media credentials or photo credentials for the purpose of news and editorial coverage of NHL games (the "Credential Bearer(s)") and (b) intend to transmit and/or distribute via digital platforms and/or social media channels reports about NHL games while they are in progress ("Online Game Reports"):
1. Online Game Reports may be transmitted and/or distributed online only on the official website(s) or the official, verified social media channels of the Accredited Organization (the "Bearer Sites") and only for news and editorial purposes.
2. Online Game Reports may not comprise or include play-by-play accounts or play-by-play descriptions of NHL games. Online Game Reports shall be limited to reasonable periodic game updates that are limited in frequency and detail (i.e. the Credential Bearer may transmit On-line Game Reports no more than three (3) times during each period of the game).
3. A Photo Credential is required to take still images of an NHL game, including all non-game action within the NHL venue. Notwithstanding the foregoing, media Credential Bearers have the limited, revocable permission to capture still images solely via a mobile device (i.e. no professional photography equipment) only in areas designated and approved by the NHL or an NHL member club and may only transmit or distribute a maximum of eight (8) still images per NHL game only in combination with Online Game Reports.
4. Any recording, capture, posting, or other transmission of any motion pictures, video, or any content that animates, sequences, loops or otherwise manipulates film or digital still images to appear to be video, of NHL games while they are in progress is strictly prohibited absent the express written permission of the NHL.
5. Use of any photograph of an NHL game, including non-game action within the NHL venue, or any Online Game Reports for any commercial, advertising, or promotional purpose is strictly prohibited absent the express written permission of the NHL.
6. Any and all copyrights, proprietary interests, or other incidents of ownership in and to NHL games, including accounts and descriptions of NHL games, are and shall remain vested in the National Hockey League or its affiliates, assignees or designees, as their interests may appear.
7. These terms and conditions are in addition and without limitation to all other terms and conditions appearing on and otherwise associated with receipt and utilization of credentials issued by the NHL, its affiliates or the NHL Member Clubs. In the event of a conflict between any such terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of this On-line Transmission Policy, the terms of this On-line Transmission Policy shall govern with respect to the subject matter hereof.
8. These terms and conditions are subject to change in the sole discretion of the National Hockey League at any time.