Dedicated to Inspire and Engage the Next Generation of Players and Fans
Established in 2013 as a part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) and supported by the NHL’s 32 Clubs, the IGF was created to support and accelerate the development of NHL and Club business initiatives and projects that promote long-term fan development and increase participation at all levels of hockey with an emphasis on youth. A committee of three NHLPA representatives and four NHL owners oversees the IGF and focuses on building hockey awareness and avidity both in local Club markets and on a national level (in the United States and Canada) by subsidizing League-wide programs and local Club initiatives, reaching diverse audiences and offering unique hockey opportunities for players and fans.
Since its inception, the IGF has dedicated more than $200 million to develop programming, create initiatives, host events and provide education that drives awareness and brings hockey to communities across North America.